Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a semi open world action role-playing game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. This game follows the main protagonist Goku and the Z-Fighters in an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Z series. According to IGN’s review by Mitchell Saltzman, unlike most video games of this franchise Dragon Ball Z Kakarot fol...
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There are some things that kids just shouldn’t have to put up with. Being transported to some weird dimension full of goblins, dwarves, swamplings, stupid wizards and sleeping giants is definitely one of them.After escaping a “welcoming party”, Simon discovers that he has been brought on a quest to rescue the wizard Calypso from the evil sorcerer Sordid.In th...
Scrapland Remastered for Windows
The cult game that marked MercurySteam's origins returns; a sci-fi adventure with memorable characters, powerful ships and humor! Enjoy intense Multiplayer battles and races with ships you build.Scrapland Remastered for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about Scrapland Remastered which...
Crawl for Windows
Crawl is the dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters! Battle through randomly generated dungeons full of cruel traps and horrid beasts- all controlled by the other players. If a friend kills you they take your place and it’s their turn to crawl! It’s a race to gain enough XP and loot to face them all as they control the flailing limbs of the hul...
The Settlers®: Rise of an Empire – Gold Edition includes the Eastern Realm Expansion Pack. In The Settlers®: Rise of an Empire – Gold Edition, the player creates their own empire of bustling cities in a captivating medieval world. However, threats are always looming so you must be prepared to defend your mighty kingdom. Powered by RenderWare, everything is vi...