A friendship ritual gone awry transports high school student Ayumi Shinozaki and her friends to an alternate reality version of a tragedy-stricken institution that stood on the site of their own school long ago. As the vengeful spirits of elementary school students threaten their lives and their sanity, their only hope of survival–much less escape–is to uncover...
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Sentimental K for Windows
'Sentimental K' is a 3D roguelike action game. Weapons, skills, artifacts, bosses, dungeon layouts change randomly every time you play. Try to make synergistic choices and enjoy the unexpected and challenging play!Sentimental K for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about Sentimental K...
This is a Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game, meaning a specific genre of story-driven, point & click adventures. Throughout the game, players are tasked to find a list of objects hidden within a particular scene, and to occasionally complete various mini-games/puzzles. Domini Games proudly presents a frightful story of masks and monsters for the Halloween sea...
Hellfire 1988: An Oregon Story is a story-rich visual novel set in Bend, Oregon during the Halloween of 1988. Hellfire 1988 is a darkly comic crime story with engaging interactive dialogue, point-and-click exploration, and exciting mini-games that combine to give players an immersive experience of 1980s America. Featuring a 30,000 word interactive script, hundreds...
Unavowed for Windows
A demon possessed you one year ago. Since that day, you unwillingly tore a trail of bloodshed through New York City. Your salvation comes in the form of the Unavowed – an ancient society dedicated to stopping evil.You are free, but your world is in tatters. You have no home, no friends, and are wanted by the police. Your old life is gone, but perhaps you can star...