The Beast Inside is a unique, gripping twist on thriller and survival horror. The game mixes intriguing story-driven adventure with unnerving survival horror experience. Immerse in the tale of long-buried secrets, personal tragedies, and madness. Play as two protagonists living in different centuries but bounded by dark heritage. Boston, 1979, Adam, the CIA cryptan...
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Cartel Tycoon for Windows
Set in the fictionalized ’80s Latin America, Cartel Tycoon tells the story of a time when the cocaine took over first the US, and then the whole world. Ridiculously rich drug kingpins rule over glorious empires, creating thousands of jobs. But a maelstrom of violence threatens this criminal underworld from within.Key featuresGrow your empire. Develop your humble...
Monads II for Windows
‘The ensemble about loneliness.’ Inspired by classic SRPGs, “Monads” is a trilogy series that adds the charm of the story of colorful characters intertwining with their own views and worries to battle rules represented by tile-based turn-based battles.There are three main characteristics that distinguish ‘Monads’ from other games that look similar.First...
This is a Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game, meaning a specific genre of story-driven, point & click adventures. Throughout the game, players are tasked to find a list of objects hidden within a particular scene, and to occasionally complete various mini-games/puzzles. Domini Games proudly presents a frightful story of masks and monsters for the Halloween sea...
Black Squad for Windows
Black Squad is a free-to-play military first-person-shooter. Players can master their skills and show off their strategies with a wide range of game maps, modes, and weapons to choose from. Join thousands of FPS players worldwide in one of the most played games on Steam!10 Game Modes: Competitive, Demolition, TDM and more!Custom Game Creation to play how you want85...