The original survival horror franchise continues with a pure blend of intense action and suspenseful adventure. Alone in the Dark immerses the player into a dark and strange atmosphere where conventional rules do not apply. The player must overcome his natural fear of the dark unknown and control Edward Carnby through a deep and highly detailed storyline. Armed wit...
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Master of Orion 1+2 for Windows
Forge an empire in a universe where population growth is stripping away planetary resources. Colonize unknown planets and trade with other races for their knowledge. The need for galactic expansion is critical. You must conquer alien star systems to secure the resources that will guarantee your supremacy. The ultimate goal is to defeat the evil Antarans. They lurk...
Claustrophobia for Windows
Flee a mysterious science facility while facing unimagineable horrors..Claustrophobia offers a scary and dark horror experience filled with blood boiling moments, the story is captivating and draws you in. You are a scientist who has to retrieve important data. The facility is shrouded in mystery and there is no saying what you will encounter. KEY FEATURES* Unique...
Billion Beat for Windows
Behold, Billion Beat! It's a brutal boxing bonanza. Beat the bicuspids off a bevy of bizarre baddies. Be a badass and bet on your brawn to bag a billion bucks! Booyah, baby!Billion Beat for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about Billion Beat which will help you to understand that how...
Noch for Windows
Go alone (or with a friend) to find the girl who destroyed the world.An ominous surreal first-person adventure full of dangerous monsters and secrets of the deceased worldNoch for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game.So below is a video tutorial about Noch which will help you to understand that how to play this game a...