Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a semi open world action role-playing game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. This game follows the main protagonist Goku and the Z-Fighters in an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Z series. According to IGN’s review by Mitchell Saltzman, unlike most video games of this franchise Dragon Ball Z Kakarot fol...
You are searched for Updated Enderal Forgotten Stories for Windows, Below are some results for Updated Enderal Forgotten Stories for Windows.
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Before Your Eyes for Windows
Before Your Eyes is a first-person narrative adventure that tells the story of a soul’s journey into the afterlife using a new and innovative form of interaction—your real-life blinks.The story begins after your death, aboard the ship of a mythical Ferryman tasked with shepherding souls to the afterlife. In order to help you pass on, he must first learn the sto...
This content requires the base game Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager on Steam in order to play.This DLC includes:Shaman master 5 missions 3 Conjurations to choose from when getting a Promotion including a passive and two random spells 10 Spirits monsters Exclusive game mechanics: Sun and Moon Blessings giving passive abilities to Spirits monsters. Eac...
Action Commando for Windows
As a time travelling Spartan Soldier, you must stop the Cult of the Fallen Gods that are turning people into burger meat. Grab your sword and assault cannon and deal death to these disfigured freaks in the name of humanity.FeaturesSuper Fluid Action Combat – shoot weapons with alternate fire modes, dash through hordes of monsters, switch guns and quick-heal to k...
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae for Windows
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae focuses on high-speed, arena-based action. Use lightning-fast sword slashes, hand-to-hand attacks, and mysterious ancient fighting techniques to defeat wave after wave of demonic foes. Make no mistake; this will not be easy. Your enemies are relentless and will attack from all sides. If you aren’t prepared to strike and roll, you’ll be ove...