Humanity had just taken its first tentative steps in space, when the catastrophic destruction of Mother Earth plunges the galaxy into a new Dark Age. Centuries later, those few surviving colonies have stabilised into a simple feudal society, unable to comprehend or advance the technological artefacts they use to survive. Internecine fights between an aristocratic e...
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SPINTIRES for Windows
Spintires is an off-roading simulation video game by Russian indie developer Pavel Zagrebelnyj and published by the UK publisher Oovee. Spintires tasks driving through muddy unpaved Russian roads in aging Soviet vehicles with nothing but a map and a compass. The aim of the game is to transport cargo to its destination without depleting resources (such as fuel) or d...
Charting a course through history from the Battle of Uji in 1180 AD to the culmination of the Genpei War, Rise of the Shogun Campaign provides players with six new historical missions set across a decisive period of Japanese medieval history. With tales of warring clans, fragile alliances, betrayals and murdered royalty, Rise of the Shogun brings a bloody chapter o...
10 Second Ninja for Windows
Ninjas are cool, this is an established fact of the universe. Nazi Robots from space are not cool, they are the complete opposite of cool, and Robot Hitler is out to get you, the world’s first ninja.You have 10 seconds to destroy all Nazi Robots in your vicinity. IT. IS. ON.Become the ultimate Ninja and take down Robot Hitler’s automated autocracy in this blist...
“The Battle of the Bulge” continues the epic saga of the critically acclaimed and award-winning Close Combat series. Sneak attacks, stalwart defenders, spies and saboteurs are among the exciting surprises lurking on both sides of the battle. Whether you commands American of German troops, you decide when and where they will be deployed. Launch air attacks again...