In Miriel Saga, evil creatures known as Dreadlings are fast approaching to threaten the world balance and mankind. In a world of might and magic, engulfed in conflict since centuries past, it’s your role to stand up for all, gather your allies and solve the remaining mysteries to unfold in this story-driven, action packed RPG!For eons, Miriel has existed, brimmin...
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Tokyo Necro for Windows
Tokyo has become a snow-covered wasteland where the dead walk among the living. But in this frozen hellscape people have survived, protected by the guns and cybernetics enhancements of the Living Dead Stalkers.Developed by Nitro Origin, creators of Song of Saya and Full Metal Daemon Muramasa, Tokyo NECRO dives into the cyberpunk genre and sets a new standard for ac...
Sniper Elite V2 for Windows
Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person tactical shooter stealth video game developed by Rebellion Developments and published by 505 Games in 2012. Sniper Elite V2 emphasizes a less direct approach to combat, encouraging the player as a sniper to use stealth and keep distance from enemy soldiers. Many of the single player levels allow multiple routes for the players to t...
Welcome to the Game II for Windows
Welcome to the Game II is an atmospheric horror / strategy / puzzle game that takes you into the world of the deep web, in search of the shadow web. Why are you in search of the shadow web? Let’s take you back into the story.You play as Clint Edwards, an investigative reporter in a major metropolitan area. You wake up from a nap to sounds coming from your compute...
Cantata for Windows
A rebellion has broken out disrupting the military force controlling the galaxy titled the 111th Reign of Humanity and Prosper, a swarm of robots calling themselves the “Unified Spirit” have risen up against the shackles of their human masters with the dream of a better world. The final stand is taking place on the unexplored planet of Shoal, where legends, God...