Fresh from Double Fine Productions, Headlander is a retro-futuristic, side-scrolling, action-adventure game set in a world inspired by 70’s science fiction. It is a world of automation, a utopia gone wrong in which all of humanity have transferred their minds into robotic imposter bodies and are ruled by a deranged computer. Brought to you by Double Fine Producti...
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Enter the Gungeon for Windows
Enter the Gungeon is a bullet hell roguelike video game developed by Dodge Roll and published by Devolver Digital. The player chooses between the four protagonists, all of whom have different special abilities, such as calling for support or lock-picking chests. A second player is able to join in for co-op mode and control a fifth character. While the player descen...
Beat Saber for Windows
Beat Saber is a virtual reality rhythm game developed and published by Beat Games. The game features the player slashing blocks representing musical beats with a pair of energy blades.The game includes several songs with up to five levels of difficulty. In each song, the game presents the player with a stream of approaching blocks in sync with the song’s beats an...
Blazing Beaks for Windows
Roguelite – where too much greediness can be fatal. A colorful world with armed birds blazing their way through piles of mutants, monsters and creepy creatures. Lots of mysteries to unravel, secrets to discover and levels to explore.Artifacts:You will be tempted to take them but doing so will make you really suffer.Story mode:Plow your path through a whole host o...
LEGO Batman for Windows
When all the villains in Arkham Asylum team up and break loose, only the dynamic duo is bold enough to take them on to save Gotham City. The fun of LEGO, the drama of Batman and the uniqueness of the combination makes for a comical and exciting adventure in LEGO Batman: The Videogame.LEGO Batman for PC IntroductionWhen all the villains in Arkham Asylum team up and...