Might & Magic Heroes (formerly Heroes of Might and Magic) is a series of video games originally created and developed by Jon Van Caneghem through New World Computing.The Heroes series is within the genre of turn-based strategy. The titular heroes are player characters who can recruit armies, move around the map, capture resources, and engage in combat. The hero...
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Batman: Arkham Asylum for Windows
BBatman: Arkham Asylum is a 2009 action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. The playable character is visible on the screen and the camera can be freely rotated around him. The player controls Batman as he traverses Arkham Asylum, a secure facility for the criminally insane located off the coast of Gotham City. T...
Faeria for Windows
Faeria is a digital collectible card and turn-based strategy game that takes place on a dynamic playing board set in a fantasy universe.The game was developed and published by the independent Belgian game studio Abrakam, and released for desktop platforms in 2017.Faeria is a combination of a digital collectible card game with a “living” game board concept. Play...
Strangeland for Windows
Strangeland is a classic point-and-click adventure that integrates a compelling narrative with engaging puzzles. For almost a decade, we’ve been working on a worthy successor to the fan-acclaimed Primordia, and we are proud, at long last, to share our second game.Strangeland is a place like no other. Even in the real world, carnivals occupy a twilight territory b...
Team Fortress for Windows
Team Fortress is a 1999 first-person shooter video game developed and released by Valve Corporation. Matches in Team Fortress feature two teams, one red and one blue, and nine playable character classes. Each character class has a set of weapons and abilities unique to that specific class. This differentiation between classes makes for rock-paper-scissors-esque gam...