The Alliance Alive HD Remastered marks the glorious rebirth of the acclaimed RPG brought to you by FURYU Corporation. Uniting the talents of writer Yoshitaka Murayama, designer Kyouji Koizumi, art director Masayo Asano, and composer Masashi Hamauzu, this epic adventure comes to life with innovative gameplay on a backdrop of vibrant visuals and a classic tale. Playe...
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Blind Justice for Windows
Blind justice is a strategy game where you play as a judge in a soviet village. You have been sent to bring order however the occupants of the village and your own pocket might have different plans… You will be presented with cases and based on the opinions of the entities around you, and how much you want to line your pockets, you must decide the outcome. Featur...
I of the Dragon for Windows
I of the Dragon is a role-playing video game where the player plays as a dragon. You, the player, take the role of the young, inexperienced dragon. In the role of the savior of Nimoa you move through the skies and faces all the challenges of the evil Skarborr. At the beginning of the game the player has the choice of three dragons: Annoth The Fire Breather, Barroth...
Steel Shell for Windows
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Bright Memory for Windows
Bright Memory is a lightning-fast fusion of the FPS and action genres, created by one-man development studio FYQD using Unreal Engine. Combine a wide variety of skills and abilities to unleash dazzling combo attacks. SRO (Supernatural Science Research Organization) agent Shelia’s adventure is about to begin. This game depicts the maiden adventure of a woman named...