A cross between Super Mario Kart and Street Fighter, Street Racer takes place in a kooky cartoon world with 3-D environments ranging from Mount Rushmore to Transylvania. In split-screen mode, four players can be viewed in different windows simultaneously for a behind-the-car perspective. In micro mode, available for one to four players, all players cars can be seen...
Looking to download Updated Female Protagonist Games, Here is a collection of Updated Female Protagonist Games.
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Star Renegades for Windows
A service robot named J5T-1N has arrived in your dimension to warn of impending doom from an overwhelming force known as the Imperium.Fight for survival across a procedurally generated and emergent mission-based campaign through a reactive, tactical turn-based battle system that emphasizes interrupts and counters. Standing in your way is an Intelligent Adversary sy...
Sephonie for Windows
“To put it briefly, Sephonie is a miracle. It swings between life and death, classic genre convention and thoughtful subversion, the mind-bendingly global and the heartbreakingly personal. It holds its own against giants of science fiction by refusing to be pinned down, floating between genre and tone with the unknowable elegance of flight. It’s tragic and triu...
A modern take on the 25-year franchise, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid showcases stunning graphics and vivid details. Pit current and classic Rangers and villains like never before in 3 vs. 3 tag battles. Test your skills online against friends and players from around the world for endless replayability. A streamlined combat system welcomes newcomers with simpl...
The long awaited 4th instalment of the popular “Arland” series that had begun with the “Atelier Rorona”! In this new story, players will revisit the nostalgic world of Arland and embark on exciting journey of alchemy together with Rorona’s daughter, Lulua. The dream of this young girl living in the small town on the border of the Arland Republic is to ove...