Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a semi open world action role-playing game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. This game follows the main protagonist Goku and the Z-Fighters in an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Z series. According to IGN’s review by Mitchell Saltzman, unlike most video games of this franchise Dragon Ball Z Kakarot fol...
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Factory Manager Simulator for Windows
Your Uncle Finally Decides To Give You The Keys To His Old Factory . The Factory Has Been Closed For Years . And You Are The One to Re open The Business Again . You Start With Your Empty Factory And Your Uncle’s Pickup Truck , And End Up Running A Huge Factory With 500 + Workers , Have multiple Cars And Make Your Dream Become A reality .Factory Manager Simulator...
Botanicula for Windows
Botanicula is a humor-filled adventure game created by the makers of award-winning Machinarium and Samorost series, studio Amanita Design and Czech band DVA. Five friends, little tree creatures, set out on a journey to save the last seed from their home tree which is infested by evil parasites.Botanicula System RequirementsMinimum:OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista...
Waifu vs Evil for Windows
Waifu vs Evil is a first-person action horror game set in a small abandoned town that has been attacked by an alien.Waifu vs Evil for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about Waifu vs Evil which will help you to understand that how to play this game and how the game will look like? when...
Retro City Rampage DX for Windows
OPEN-WORLD carjacking goes back to the ’80s in this 8-BIT nostalgic throwback. Run missions! Outrun the law! Rampage the city with weapons, power-ups and vehicles! This send-up to ’80s and ’90s video games and pop-culture includes both a full Story Mode of open-world adventure as well as an Arcade Mode for quick pick-up-and-play action. If that’s not enough...